The King of Swords

A.A. Berle – King of Swords

The King of Swords appearing in a reading suggests that you should remain objective in your current situation – you must establish truth by sticking to the facts.  The King of Swords meaning also shows that you need to be stern in your role while ensuring that you have clarity of mind at all times. When judging a situation, you will need to leave your emotions out of the judgment so as to maintain rational thinking at all times. When considering whether or not to consider the feelings, wants and needs of others who may be impacted by your actions, make sure to focus solely on those that are the most directly invested and who stand to profit the most.

About A.A. Berle

  • Born in 1895 and became a lawyer, educator, author and US diplomat.
  • Wrote about corporate powers/ corporate governance and famously, engaged in a debate with Merrick Dodd through the Harvard Law Review about the merits/failures of shareholder primacy vs. stakeholder supremacy.
  • The Berle believed that the board held managerial power over the corporation in trust for the benefit of the shareholders so corporations should be run exclusively to advance their shareholders’ interests (shareholder primacy).
  • Berle worried that any greater social purpose might be unsafe and wouldn’t provide a base to “construct the economic commonwealth with industrialism seems to require”
  • In an unexpected twist – Berle wrote a book in 1954 in which he said the law supported his opponent, Dodd, and that Dodd had won the debate.

• Adolph Augustus Berle JR. (Columbia 250)
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