Merrick Dodd – Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups is in proper touch with his emotions and his intuition and is very diplomatic in his dealings at work. He seeks to resolve issues with creative solutions as well as an awareness of others and often sees solutions that had he not seen them, may have otherwise remained undiscovered. Drawing the Knight of Cups card suggests that you need to think about big picture issues creatively and look to a collection of small solutions to the bigger problem. You should keep in mind that the interests of many, even those far removed, can affect the success or failure of a venture and that concentrating only on those nearest to it is a mistake.
About E. Merrick Dodd
- Dodd was born in 1898 and later became a Harvard Law school
- – famously, engaged in a debate with A.A. Berle through the Harvard Law Review about the merits/failures of shareholder primacy vs. stakeholder supremacy.
- Dodd believed that “there is in fact a growing feeling not only that business has responsibilities to the community but that our corporate managers who control business should voluntarily and without waiting for legal compulsion manage it in such a way as to fulfill those responsibilities.” (stakeholder supremacy)
- Corporations need to consider social responsibility. If this meant that managers paid more attention to the needs of their employees and consumers, this would ultimately benefit shareholders as well.
- Employee satisfaction = greater productivity and increased profits.
- Charitable giving could generate good within a community and that would benefit shareholders because consumers would think more favourably of the company.
• Tarot card meanings – Labyrinthos
• Should Corporations Serve Shareholders or Society?: The Origins of the Debate